2010年12月30日 星期四



// Create the list
List list = new LinkedList(); // Doubly-linked list
list = new ArrayList(); // List implemented as growable array

// Append an element to the list

// Insert an element at the head of the list
list.add(0, "b");

// Get the number of elements in the list
int size = list.size(); // 2

// Retrieving the element at the end of the list
Object element = list.get(list.size()-1); // a

// Retrieving the element at the head of the list
element = list.get(0); // b

// Remove the first occurrence of an element
boolean b = list.remove("b"); // true
b = list.remove("b"); // false

// Remove the element at a particular index
element = list.remove(0); // a
