using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression; namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip { ////// This class represents a Zip archive. You can ask for the contained /// entries, or get an input stream for a file entry. The entry is /// automatically decompressed. /// /// This class is thread safe: You can open input streams for arbitrary /// entries in different threads. /// /// Author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke /// ////// public class ZipFile : IEnumerable { string name; string comment; Stream baseStream; ZipEntry[] entries; ////// using System; /// using System.Text; /// using System.Collections; /// using System.IO; /// /// using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; /// /// class MainClass /// { /// static public void Main(string[] args) /// { /// ZipFile zFile = new ZipFile(args[0]); /// Console.WriteLine("Listing of : " + zFile.Name); /// Console.WriteLine(""); /// Console.WriteLine("Raw Size Size Date Time Name"); /// Console.WriteLine("-------- -------- -------- ------ ---------"); /// foreach (ZipEntry e in zFile) { /// DateTime d = e.DateTime; /// Console.WriteLine("{0, -10}{1, -10}{2} {3} {4}", e.Size, e.CompressedSize, /// d.ToString("dd-MM-yy"), d.ToString("t"), /// e.Name); /// } /// } /// } ///
////// Opens a Zip file with the given name for reading. /// ////// An i/o error occurs /// ////// The file doesn't contain a valid zip archive. /// public ZipFile(string name) : this(File.OpenRead(name)) { } ////// Opens a Zip file reading the given FileStream /// ////// An i/o error occurs. /// ////// The file doesn't contain a valid zip archive. /// public ZipFile(FileStream file) { this.baseStream = file; = file.Name; ReadEntries(); } ////// Opens a Zip file reading the given Stream /// ////// An i/o error occurs /// ////// The file doesn't contain a valid zip archive. /// The stream provided cannot seek /// public ZipFile(Stream baseStream) { this.baseStream = baseStream; = null; ReadEntries(); } ////// Read an unsigned short in little endian byte order. /// ////// An i/o error occurs. /// ////// The file ends prematurely /// int ReadLeShort() { return baseStream.ReadByte() | baseStream.ReadByte() << 8; } ////// Read an int in little endian byte order. /// ////// An i/o error occurs. /// ////// The file ends prematurely /// int ReadLeInt() { return ReadLeShort() | ReadLeShort() << 16; } ////// Search for and read the central directory of a zip file filling the entries /// array. This is called exactly once by the constructors. /// ////// An i/o error occurs. /// ////// The central directory is malformed or cannot be found /// void ReadEntries() { // Search for the End Of Central Directory. When a zip comment is // present the directory may start earlier. // // TODO: The search is limited to 64K which is the maximum size of a trailing comment field to aid speed. // This should be compatible with both SFX and ZIP files but has only been tested for Zip files // Need to confirm this is valid in all cases. // Could also speed this up by reading memory in larger blocks? if (baseStream.CanSeek == false) { throw new ZipException("ZipFile stream must be seekable"); } long pos = baseStream.Length - ZipConstants.ENDHDR; if (pos <= 0) { throw new ZipException("File is too small to be a Zip file"); } long giveUpMarker = Math.Max(pos - 0x10000, 0); do { if (pos < giveUpMarker) { throw new ZipException("central directory not found, probably not a zip file"); } baseStream.Seek(pos--, SeekOrigin.Begin); } while (ReadLeInt() != ZipConstants.ENDSIG); int thisDiskNumber = ReadLeShort(); int startCentralDirDisk = ReadLeShort(); int entriesForThisDisk = ReadLeShort(); int entriesForWholeCentralDir = ReadLeShort(); int centralDirSize = ReadLeInt(); int offsetOfCentralDir = ReadLeInt(); int commentSize = ReadLeShort(); byte[] zipComment = new byte[commentSize]; baseStream.Read(zipComment, 0, zipComment.Length); comment = ZipConstants.ConvertToString(zipComment); /* Its seems possible that this is too strict, more digging required. if (thisDiskNumber != 0 || startCentralDirDisk != 0 || entriesForThisDisk != entriesForWholeCentralDir) { throw new ZipException("Spanned archives are not currently handled"); } */ entries = new ZipEntry[entriesForWholeCentralDir]; baseStream.Seek(offsetOfCentralDir, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int i = 0; i < entriesForWholeCentralDir; i++) { if (ReadLeInt() != ZipConstants.CENSIG) { throw new ZipException("Wrong Central Directory signature"); } int versionMadeBy = ReadLeShort(); int versionToExtract = ReadLeShort(); int bitFlags = ReadLeShort(); int method = ReadLeShort(); int dostime = ReadLeInt(); int crc = ReadLeInt(); int csize = ReadLeInt(); int size = ReadLeInt(); int nameLen = ReadLeShort(); int extraLen = ReadLeShort(); int commentLen = ReadLeShort(); int diskStartNo = ReadLeShort(); // Not currently used int internalAttributes = ReadLeShort(); // Not currently used int externalAttributes = ReadLeInt(); int offset = ReadLeInt(); byte[] buffer = new byte[Math.Max(nameLen, commentLen)]; baseStream.Read(buffer, 0, nameLen); string name = ZipConstants.ConvertToString(buffer, nameLen); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name, versionToExtract, versionMadeBy); entry.CompressionMethod = (CompressionMethod)method; entry.Crc = crc & 0xffffffffL; entry.Size = size & 0xffffffffL; entry.CompressedSize = csize & 0xffffffffL; entry.DosTime = (uint)dostime; if (extraLen > 0) { byte[] extra = new byte[extraLen]; baseStream.Read(extra, 0, extraLen); entry.ExtraData = extra; } if (commentLen > 0) { baseStream.Read(buffer, 0, commentLen); entry.Comment = ZipConstants.ConvertToString(buffer, commentLen); } entry.ZipFileIndex = i; entry.Offset = offset; entry.ExternalFileAttributes = externalAttributes; entries[i] = entry; } } ////// Closes the ZipFile. This also closes all input streams managed by /// this class. Once closed, no further instance methods should be /// called. /// ////// An i/o error occurs. /// public void Close() { entries = null; lock(baseStream) { baseStream.Close(); } } ////// Returns an enumerator for the Zip entries in this Zip file. /// ////// The Zip file has been closed. /// public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { if (entries == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile has closed"); } return new ZipEntryEnumeration(entries); } ////// Return the index of the entry with a matching name /// /// Entry name to find /// If true the comparison is case insensitive ///The index position of the matching entry or -1 if not found ////// The Zip file has been closed. /// public int FindEntry(string name, bool ignoreCase) { if (entries == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile has been closed"); } for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { if (string.Compare(name, entries[i].Name, ignoreCase) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } ////// Indexer property for ZipEntries /// [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute("EntryByIndex")] public ZipEntry this[int index] { get { return (ZipEntry) entries[index].Clone(); } } ////// Searches for a zip entry in this archive with the given name. /// String comparisons are case insensitive /// /// /// The name to find. May contain directory components separated by slashes ('/'). /// ////// The zip entry, or null if no entry with that name exists. /// ////// The Zip file has been closed. /// public ZipEntry GetEntry(string name) { if (entries == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile has been closed"); } int index = FindEntry(name, true); return index >= 0 ? (ZipEntry) entries[index].Clone() : null; } ////// Checks, if the local header of the entry at index i matches the /// central directory, and returns the offset to the data. /// ////// The start offset of the (compressed) data. /// ////// The stream ends prematurely /// ////// The local header signature is invalid, the entry and central header file name lengths are different /// or the local and entry compression methods dont match /// long CheckLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry) { lock(baseStream) { baseStream.Seek(entry.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (ReadLeInt() != ZipConstants.LOCSIG) { throw new ZipException("Wrong Local header signature"); } short shortValue = (short)ReadLeShort(); // version required to extract if (shortValue > ZipConstants.VERSION_MADE_BY) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Version required to extract this entry not supported ({0})", shortValue)); } shortValue = (short)ReadLeShort(); // general purpose bit flags. if ((shortValue & 0x30) != 0) { throw new ZipException("The library doesnt support the zip version required to extract this entry"); } if (entry.CompressionMethod != (CompressionMethod)ReadLeShort()) { throw new ZipException("Compression method mismatch"); } // Skip time, crc, size and csize long oldPos = baseStream.Position; baseStream.Position += ZipConstants.LOCNAM - ZipConstants.LOCTIM; if (baseStream.Position - oldPos != ZipConstants.LOCNAM - ZipConstants.LOCTIM) { throw new EndOfStreamException(); } // TODO make test more correct... cant compare lengths as was done originally as this can fail for MBCS strings int storedNameLength = ReadLeShort(); if (entry.Name.Length > storedNameLength) { throw new ZipException("file name length mismatch"); } int extraLen = storedNameLength + ReadLeShort(); return entry.Offset + ZipConstants.LOCHDR + extraLen; } } ////// Creates an input stream reading the given zip entry as /// uncompressed data. Normally zip entry should be an entry /// returned by GetEntry(). /// ////// the input stream. /// ////// The ZipFile has already been closed /// ////// The compression method for the entry is unknown /// ////// The entry is not found in the ZipFile /// public Stream GetInputStream(ZipEntry entry) { if (entries == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile has closed"); } int index = entry.ZipFileIndex; if (index < 0 || index >= entries.Length || entries[index].Name != entry.Name) { index = FindEntry(entry.Name, true); if (index < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } return GetInputStream(index); } ////// Creates an input stream reading the zip entry based on the index passed /// ////// An input stream. /// ////// The ZipFile has already been closed /// ////// The compression method for the entry is unknown /// ////// The entry is not found in the ZipFile /// public Stream GetInputStream(int entryIndex) { if (entries == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile has closed"); } long start = CheckLocalHeader(entries[entryIndex]); CompressionMethod method = entries[entryIndex].CompressionMethod; Stream istr = new PartialInputStream(baseStream, start, entries[entryIndex].CompressedSize); switch (method) { case CompressionMethod.Stored: return istr; case CompressionMethod.Deflated: return new InflaterInputStream(istr, new Inflater(true)); default: throw new ZipException("Unknown compression method " + method); } } ////// Gets the comment for the zip file. /// public string ZipFileComment { get { return comment; } } ////// Gets the name of this zip file. /// public string Name { get { return name; } } ////// Gets the number of entries in this zip file. /// ////// The Zip file has been closed. /// public int Size { get { if (entries != null) { return entries.Length; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipFile is closed"); } } } class ZipEntryEnumeration : IEnumerator { ZipEntry[] array; int ptr = -1; public ZipEntryEnumeration(ZipEntry[] arr) { array = arr; } public object Current { get { return array[ptr]; } } public void Reset() { ptr = -1; } public bool MoveNext() { return (++ptr < array.Length); } } class PartialInputStream : InflaterInputStream { Stream baseStream; long filepos, end; public PartialInputStream(Stream baseStream, long start, long len) : base(baseStream) { this.baseStream = baseStream; filepos = start; end = start + len; } public override int Available { get { long amount = end - filepos; if (amount > Int32.MaxValue) { return Int32.MaxValue; } return (int) amount; } } public override int ReadByte() { if (filepos == end) { return -1; //ok } lock(baseStream) { baseStream.Seek(filepos++, SeekOrigin.Begin); return baseStream.ReadByte(); } } public override int Read(byte[] b, int off, int len) { if (len > end - filepos) { len = (int) (end - filepos); if (len == 0) { return 0; } } lock(baseStream) { baseStream.Seek(filepos, SeekOrigin.Begin); int count = baseStream.Read(b, off, len); if (count > 0) { filepos += len; } return count; } } public long SkipBytes(long amount) { if (amount < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (amount > end - filepos) { amount = end - filepos; } filepos += amount; return amount; } } } }
2010年12月31日 星期五
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