2011年7月7日 星期四

call scilab from c#


  1. SCI/modules/call_scilab/examples/call_scilab/NET (a c# wrapping)
  2. .Net component and COM server  (download link was gone)

 Download the solution DotNetScilab from link 1. Open the solution and run it. If it appears an error message box "dll not found call_scilab.dll". You must set the environment variable "PATH" before you run it. Append the text "[ Your scilab bin path]" to the environment varialbe "PATH". My scilab bin path is "D:\Program Files\scilab-5.3.2\bin\".



Reference from Scilab Users' Group
Find string "11/1/2010 at 5:29:13 PM GMT" in this page.

Reference for topic "Dll not  found exception"
forum pinvoke - dll not found error 
pinvoke tutorial
Solution hint: dll can not searchable
